ISACA offers many opportunities for professionals to earn CPE.
CPE opportunities from ISACA
ISACA Foundation educational events
Participate on an ISACA Foundation 在线研讨会, 会议, 积极参与每小时可获得1个CPE(每年最多36个).
Participate on an ISACA working group, 志愿者项目, 或成为ISACA分会官员,每积极参与一小时,可获得一次CPE(每年最多20次).
了解更多Skills-based training/lab activities
在完成任何基于绩效的课程时获得基于技能的cpe, labs and/or certificate programs that are available through ISACA.
了解更多Qualifying Professional Education Activities
符合CPE资格的活动包括技术和管理培训. 该培训必须直接适用于与认证相关的工作实践领域,以确保达到专业发展的适当平衡.
在职活动不接受持续专业教育时数,除非该时数属于特定的合资格专业教育活动. 培训 in basic office productivity software, such as Microsoft Word or Excel, 不符合持续专业教育的资格. Specific activities have annual CPE hour limits. CPE can be reported in quarter hour increments.
ISACA Professional Education Activities and Meetings
These activities include ISACA 会议, 研讨会, 研讨会, 章程序, and meetings and related activities. 获得认证的个人根据积极参与的小时数获得CPE小时数. (See Calculating CPE Hours section). 参加ISACA分会会议将获得至少一个学分,无论实际持续时间如何. 请注意,分会计划和会议目前并未全部报告到ISACA数据库. Please retain proof of attendance.
Non-ISACA Professional Education Activities and Meetings
These activities include in-house corporate training, 大学课程, 会议, 研讨会, 研讨会, and professional meetings and related activities not sponsored by ISACA. 除了, CPE学时可以从认证审查课程中获得,如果这些课程提高了认证的领域知识或技能. 个人按积极参与时数赚取持续专业教育时数(请参阅计算持续专业教育时数部分)。. 然而, successfully completed 大学课程 in related fields, including university online courses, earn 15 CPE hours per semester credit hour and 10 CPE hours per quarter credit hour (semester = 15 weeks of class; quarter = 10 weeks of class).
这些活动包括为自学设计的结构化课程,提供CPE学分. 这些课程只有在课程提供者颁发结业证书的情况下才会被接受,证书中必须包含该课程的CPE学时数. 如果在ISACA期刊测试中取得及格分数,也可以获得一个CPE小时. ISACA澳门赌场官方软件在参加由ISACA赞助的在线电子学习演示活动(例如:虚拟贸易展)时,可以获得额外的CPE, 在线研讨会, 等.). 请注意,ISACA期刊测验和ISACA在线学习活动可以计算在每次ISACA指定中.
Vendor Sales/Marketing Presentations
10-hour annual limitation
Teaching / Lecturing / Presenting
这些活动包括开发和提供专业教育演讲,以及开发与认证领域相关的自学/远程教育课程. For presentations and courses (all types), CPE学时的计算时间是第一次授课的授课时间或预计授课时间的五倍.g.(两小时的演讲可获得十个CPE小时),并在实际演讲时间进行第二次交付. CPE学时不能用于同一材料的后续演示,除非内容有实质性修改. For self-study/distance education courses, 每花费一小时升级/维护课程,可获得一小时的CPE时间,上限为课程预计学习时间的两倍.
Publication of Articles, Monographs and Books
这些活动包括出版和/或审查与专业直接相关的材料. 参赛作品必须出现在正式出版物或网站上,并且必须提供文章副本或网站地址, 如果请求. 对于书籍和专著,必须提供目录和标题页. CPE学时是按完成或复习材料的实际学时数计算的.
Exam Question Development and Review
这一活动与开发或复习考试项目或复习材料有关. 每一个被ISACA项目审查委员会接受的问题可获得两个CPE小时. Such hours can be multi-counted for all ISACA certifications. Actual hours will be given for the formal item review process.
Passing Related Professional Examinations
本活动与其他相关专业考试的追求有关. 当考试成绩达到合格时,每考试一个小时可获得两个CPE学时.
Working on ISACA Boards/Committees
These activities include active participation on an ISACA Board, 委员会, 小组委员会, task force or active participation as an officer of an ISACA 章. One CPE hour is earned for each hour of active participation. Active participation includes, 但不限于, 发展, 实现, and/or maintenance of a 章 website. 这样的活动可以在每次ISACA指定中计算不止一次.
20-hour annual limitation
Contributions to the Profession
这些活动包括为ISACA和其他对专业有贡献的机构所做的工作.e. 研究开发, certification review manual development, Knowledge Center contributor, 进行同行评审).
20-hour annual limitation
This activity includes mentoring efforts directly related to coaching, 回顾, 或者在组织中协助考试准备或提供职业指导, 章, 或者个人层面. 辅导活动必须是支持特定人员准备ISACA考试或职业发展的活动. One CPE hour is earned for each hour of assistance.
10-hour annual limitation
Instructions for downloading a policy
- Select the desired certification policy.
- Choose your preferred language.
- Download the selected policy in your chosen language.