Committed to opportunity for all in technology

Building equity, equality, 在不断发展的技术环境中,所有澳门赌场官方下载的获取和参与对社会至关重要. ISACA基金会(以前称为One In Tech)成立于2020年,旨在使我们的全球数字信任专业人士澳门赌场官方下载能够支持下一代IT审计, risk, security, assurance and cyber leaders. Our purpose is to ensure diversity and inclusion in technology careers, 并推进技术及其进步应该造福所有人的必要性.

随着技术的不断进步,对人才的需求仍然是一个关键问题. 严重的劳动力短缺威胁着全球科技产业的增长和创新. 在审计和网络职业中建立多样性和包容性是解决劳动力危机和确保创新满足所有观点的方法之一. ISACA基金会通过我们的两个项目消除障碍,确保未开发的个人获得公平的澳门赌场官方软件机会, ISACA奖学金计划和数字信托劳动力包容计划.

ISACA全球澳门赌场官方下载的特别之处在于它致力于扩大对技术的访问和支持. They share their expertise as mentors and teachers, donate generously to our scholarships, 并为劳动力中代表性不足的人提供支持和机会. 一个更加包容的世界始于获取,我们致力于建立这种接触.”
Erik Prusch

Our programs

IT audit, risk, security, assurance and cyber workforce


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Our Board of Directors

ISACA基金会由志愿者组成的董事会领导,致力于推进我们的工作并确保产生有意义的影响. 我们的董事会由公认的国际专家和领导者组成,他们在各行各业和全球拥有不同的技能和经验. Our Board members represent the very stakeholders whom we serve. Working with the ISACA Foundation staff, the Board contributes significant time, talent and energy to further our mission.

Next Generation Advisory Board

The ISACA Foundation is committed to ensuring that young people, the future of the technology space, are critical members of our leadership.

基金会正在为下一代顾问委员会寻找全球代表, 我们欢迎来自世界其他地区的提名和申请. Please contact us at

ISACA Scholarship Program

ISACA基金会现在是国家奖学金提供者协会的成员, a collective that is advancing the impact of scholarships. 该奖学金项目荣获美国协会高管协会(ASAE)颁发的2023年协会力量金奖,以表彰我们在弥合网络安全人才缺口方面所做的工作.

ISACA基金会为专注于数字信任的本科生和研究生提供学术奖学金, pursuing studies in the fields of IT audit, risk, security, assurance and cyber. 我们服务的学生群体历来在科技领域的代表性不足.

Scholarship awards range from US$500–7,500 based factors such as region, cost of education and donor contributions. ISACA基金会独有的奖项还包括ISACA职业建设包. 这提供了来自ISACA著名的培训、认证和澳门赌场官方软件澳门赌场官方下载的资源. 这种资助教育和提供实际应用资源的结合有助于对学习产生影响, and furthering careers. Our scholarships are designed to secure, accelerate and retain career growth for individuals, 通过将未开发的人才输送到就业机会中来缩小劳动力差距.

People shaking hands - partners

Partner and donate

ISACA has over 220 chapters around the world, spanning across 165 countries. We partner with ISACA Chapters, private companies and individuals, 以及其他非营利组织提供一个健全而全面的奖学金项目. 这些合作奖项的目标是帮助世界各地的学生继续他们的教育并开始他们的职业生涯. 与ISACA基金会一起,这些合作伙伴通过我们的项目最大限度地发挥其影响力.

Want to make a difference in diversity and inclusion in technology? Become a partner today. From application to award, we’ve got you covered.


2022–2024 ISACA Chapter, corporate and scholarship partners

We appreciate the support from and collaboration with these organizations.

Corporate and nonprofit partners

Scholarship sponsors


Scholarship recipients

We celebrate and acknowledge recipients of our scholarships.

ISACA Scholarship Program

ISACA奖学金计划通过我们的学习和认证计划为本科生和研究生提供重要的资金和基础职业发展机会, and resources from our ISACA community. What makes this possible? The corporations, 非营利组织和我们的ISACA分会,他们与我们合作,通过提供资金和志愿提供时间和专业知识,为学生进入技术领域并取得成功铺平了新的道路. 我们的项目侧重于支持那些在技术领域一直被低估的人——通过下面的数字和他们的故事了解我们的影响.

Impact stories

This scholarship has made my impossible dream come true. 我还想表达我的感激之情,感谢你在我心中设定了一个目标,并为我的事业提供了动力. Your investment in my future is not taken lightly, and I am committed to making a positive impact in my chosen field. I will work diligently to develop my skills, expand my knowledge, and contribute to the betterment of society.”
Makaylah Harris
National Cybersecurity Alliance HBCU Scholarship Recipient
这项奖学金不仅将使我的教育之旅更加充实,而且使我能够专注于对安全形势至关重要的领域. I am committed to leveraging this scholarship to its fullest potential, 确保它对我的未来产生深远的影响,并使我能够为该领域做出重大贡献.”
Erick Vincent Steve Garcia Vicente
ISACA Santo Domingo Chapter Scholarship Recipient
The impact of this scholarship on my future is profound. 它使我能够在较少的资金限制下完成我的网络安全硕士学位, setting a strong academic foundation for my career. Additionally, 它强调了科技行业多样性和包容性的重要性, 激励我为一个更包容、更公平的网络安全澳门赌场官方下载做出贡献. Overall, this scholarship is not just an investment in my education; it is an investment in the future of cybersecurity, promoting diversity and excellence in this critical field.”
Oana-Cosmina Ianosiu
MassMutual Romania Scholarship Recipient
Recognizing the barriers students face in entering cybersecurity, particularly underprivileged individuals, 我们ISACA GWDC与One in Tech合作,提供量身定制的奖学金项目. 这些举措不仅提供了必要的财政援助,而且在弥合网络安全行业的人才缺口方面发挥了至关重要的作用. Our ultimate goal is to equip students with the necessary skills, resources, and support to thrive in this dynamic and crucial industry, contributing to the global advancement of cybersecurity.”
Chief Information Security Officer at Washington Health Benefit Exchange
Academics Board Member at ISACA Greater Washington, D.C. Chapter

Digital Trust Workforce Inclusion Program

数字信托劳动力包容计划通过向希望进入IT行业或重新学习IT技能的学生和专业人士免费提供教育和认证,解决了劳动力可及性问题, audit, risk, security, assurance and cybersecurity. Participants in our program receive classes conducted by industry experts, job readiness workshops, exam prep and certifications, and the opportunity to apply for continuing education stipends. 我们投资于人,这样他们就有机会发展自己, and secure meaningful careers that better their lives and their community.

Digital Trust Workforce Inclusion Program by the numbers


Impact stories

这个项目对我来说意义重大,因为我喜欢学习,并不断努力跟上行业面临的新风险和挑战的新技术和信息. 一旦我看到有机会获得证书,我就决定报名参加这个项目. It was a great choice and decision as the class was worthwhile.”
Valentine Nnamah
Digital Trust Workforce Inclusion Program Participant
As a program instructor for the Workforce Inclusion Program, I am hoping more people will take advantage of this program, if they are aware of all that it has to offer at minimum to no cost. The ROI is incredible! At basically the cost of just your time and effort, 该计划不仅提供了一个令人难以置信的机会来学习高度追捧的云计算新兴技术的基础知识, Blockchain, 物联网和人工智能,但也支持在项目中利用所学技能促进职业发展和就业安置. Highly recommended if offered in your area.”
Vince Arnold
Digital Trust Workforce Inclusion Program Instructor
ISACA的数字信托劳动力包容性计划是一项倡导多元化和包容性的变革性倡议, particularly for learners from underserved communities. By providing access to education and opportunity, this program empowers individuals to bridge the digital divide, fostering a more inclusive and equitable future for all. 我真的很喜欢与所有项目参与者和澳门赌场官方下载合作伙伴一起工作,他们帮助这个项目成为可能.”
Ivette Chavez
ISACA Senior Program Manager

Your support means their success

Open doors—close gaps: Build the IT audit, risk, security, assurance and cyber workforce through diversity and inclusion.

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