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Listen to experts in cybersecurity, audit, governance and more as they share their thoughts, insights and explanations on the latest trends and issues that affect professionals like you.
Featured Podcast
Scaling Your Threat Modeling Program
Understanding product security risk starts before a single code line is written. Teams can discover threats to the architecture of a system early in the development life cycle with Threat Modeling. While it’s not a new concept, how do we transform traditional ways of Threat Modeling to meet the complexities of modern software development at scale?
In this ISACA Podcast episode, Chris McGowan chats with Lauren Strope, Manager of Application Security at Adobe.
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IS Audit in Practice: Data Integrity On Demand
On this podcast, ISACA的Hollee Mangrum-Willis和特邀嘉宾Cindy Baxter讨论了美国澳门赌场官方下载和获取电子健康记录之间的差异.
13 July 2023Podcast
Processes of Engagement with Scott Gould
Scott Gould is the author of 'The Shape of Engagement: The Simple Process Behind how Engagement Works.' In this podcast, 斯科特将讨论理解和实施参与的基本框架,并与你的网络和澳门赌场官方下载建立持久的联系.
23 June 2023Podcast
Career Coach Advice: How to Launch Your IT Audit Career
职业教练Caitlin McGaw将分享她对年轻专业人士和职业变化的重要建议,告诉他们如何在IT审计领域开始成功的职业生涯——从第一次面试到找到第一份工作,再到帮助澳门赌场官方下载继续发展和繁荣的职业资源.
10 February 2023
Quantifying the Qualitative Risk Assessment
In this ISACA podcast episode, IT风险总监兼高级副总裁Mike Powers和IT部门风险经理Julie Ebersbach讨论将定性风险评估作为组织澳门赌场官方下载风险框架的一部分, focusing on using data to inform subjective judgments.
18 October 2022Podcast
ISACA’s Digital Transformation Part III — The Digital Member Experience
David Samuelson and ISACA’s Chief Membership Officer, Julia Kanouse讨论了技术对我们成员的积极影响,以及尽管疫情蔓延,我们的全球澳门赌场官方下载如何变得更加紧密.
6 August 2021Podcast
Technology Shifts in the Financial Sector
From mobile payments to the use of artificial intelligence to the introduction of new security risks, technology has had a profound impact on how the financial sector operates. In this 50th Anniversary Series episode of the ISACA Podcast, Ashley Holmes analyzes the past, present and future state of fintech. 霍尔姆斯指出,银行和其他金融服务行业必须在澳门赌场官方下载创新和自动化的同时,保持平衡,同时不疏远那些仍然希望获得一定程度的人与人之间的服务和可及性的客户.
18 June 2019Podcast
Attracting More Women to Cybersecurity
澳门赌场官方下载仍在努力填补空缺的网络安全职位——当涉及到让女性担任网络安全职位时,这一挑战尤为明显. In this month’s SheLeadsTech Series edition of the ISACA Podcast, 澳大利亚网络安全招聘人员夏洛特·奥斯本从招聘人员的角度阐述了为什么澳门赌场官方下载很难吸引和留住女性从业人员, and offers some potential solutions enterprises can explore to put together stronger and more diverse teams.
13 March 2019Podcast
Confronting Gender Bias in the Tech Workforce
Gender bias in the workplace plays out in a variety of ways – some obvious, others much more subtle. In this ISACA SheLeadsTech series podcast with guest JJ DiGeronimo, 我们讨论了澳门赌场官方下载领导者如何让技术劳动力更欢迎女性从业者,以及在旨在消除工作场所性别偏见的项目中取得成功的关键因素.
17 January 2019Podcast
How Women Can Capitalize on Opportunities in the Tech Workforce
While the disproportionately male nature of the tech workforce can be challenging for some women to navigate, many organizations are actively looking to bring more women into tech roles. In this ISACA SheLeadsTech Series podcast, 我们将讨论澳门赌场官方下载如何让这些职位对女性更具吸引力,以及为什么现在可能是有兴趣加入科技行业的女性的大好时机.
20 July 2018